BSc (Hons) in Information Technology

Overview of the Degree

Information Technology (IT) addresses the practical, everyday technical needs of business and other organizations, which use computers and information systems. Main emphasis of IT is on technology rather than information. IT as a discipline emerged in the last three decades after the invention of personal computers and the internet. Elements that should be in the primary and secondary education system are still emerging. Therefore, required attributes in the intake have to be correctly identified before enrolling students to the IT degree programmes since the current primary and secondary education system does not inculcate attributes which are required to follow the IT degree programmes.

As stated in ACM guidelines for Information Technology (IT 2008), Information Technology, as an academic stream, is concerned with issues related to advocating for users and meeting their needs within an organizational and societal context through the selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies. By following these guidelines, the Horizon Campus has designed and started to offer the degree programme BSc (Hons) in Information Technology with a blended state-of-the-art course modules.

Key Information

Duration : 4 years full-time
Tuition Fee :Tuition fee: Rs. 800,000.00

Fees payable through the Government Interest Free Student Loan Scheme.

  • Students can pay tuition fees through the Government Interest Free Loan Scheme. [Ministry ofHigher Education & Highways]
  • Students do not need to repay loan during the 4 year study period (2018-2022) and the first year after graduation (2023).
  • Loan repayment will start only in the 6th year through 12th year (2024-2030)
  • Approximate Monthly Instalment in 2024 is Rs.9523.80

Level :Honours
Approval status : This course is approved by the Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) recognition
The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the SLQF at Level 6.

Entry Requirements

Minimum of three passes in GCE A/Ls in the any stream.
The admission criteria has been defined to meet the requirements of the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF).
General Admission Criteria to Year 1 (Level 3 of SLQF):

Three Passes in one sitting at one of:
G.C.E. A/L - conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka.
G.C.E. A/L - conducted by Pearson Edexel, UK (London A/L).
International A/L - conducted by Cambridge International Examinations.

Career Outcomes

BSc (Hons) in Information Technology degree opens up the following career paths upon graduation:

  • Analyst/Programmer
  • Games Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • Test Analyst/Engineer Software
  • Solutions Architect
  • Systems Engineer
  • Integrations Specialist
  • Software Project Manager
