English Conversation for Professionals


( ECP )

The course will enable the students to be fluent, effective & confident when speaking English in their day-to-day & working environments.

Syllabus / Content

Stage 1 :

  1. Effective Pronunciation skills
  2. Holding focus in speaking
  3. Improving fluency
  4. Correct collocation in spoken language
  5. Spoken communication for a business environment
  6. Public speaking
  7. Presentation skills
  8. Standard & non-standard varieties in spoken English
  9. English vocabulary development for conversation

Stage 2 :

  1. Advanced English Conversation for Professionals (AECP)

Entry Requirements

  1. English Conversation for Professionals (ECP) is a specially designed English Communicational Skills development programme for those who are employed.
  2. If you are employed in the public or private sector & lack the confidence in your spoken communication, ECP will give you the confidence & skills to speak English effectively. The course will further enable you to make effective presentations & improve spoken communication required at work & in the business world.

Fee & Funding

LKR 30,000/- + LKR 1000/-(Reg)


With a minimum use of notes & lectures, participants will be encouraged & motivated to speak English

Lectures & Practicals

01.00PM - 05.00PM
