AAT Sri Lanka

AAT Sri Lanka was established in Dec. 1987 on the model of the AAT (UK) as a non-profit organization. AAT (UK) was initially formed in 1980, by a merger of two bodies that existed earlier in the U.K., namely; the Association for Accounting Technicians of Finance and Accounting (ATFA) and the Institute of Accounting Staff (IAS).
Subsequently, AAT Ireland (called the Institute of Accounting Technicians Ireland) was formed in April 1983.
AATs have since been established in Pakistan (now called Institute of Public Service Accountants-Pakistan), in Malaysia (now called Association of Accounting Administrators-Malaysia), in Singapore, and in New Zealand (called College of Accounting Technicians-New Zealand).
The master plan for Accountancy Education in Sri Lanka, prepared by the ADB Inception Mission in 1986, emphasized the need for the Technician Level Accounting Personnel. The Mission Report forecast the Island’s requirement of Accounting Technicians at 12,000 by the year 2020.
Since 1987, AAT Sri Lanka has been able to produce 30,000 Passed Finalists up to Jan. 2018. Today, there exists a great potential for Accounting Technicians, which has only increased immensely with the expanding economy, and more recently, with the new global village concept.
Accounting Technicians are recognized as Middle Level Professional Accountants, immediately after obtaining the Associate Membership (MAAT). However, by gaining experience in the field of Accountancy, they can reach the Senior Technician Level (SAT) and Fellow Technician Level (FMAAT), at which point they are considered well-groomed Professional Accountants. One can add more value and recognition to this qualification by gaining qualifications in other Professional Accountancy bodies.