GISM Campus

GISM - Graduate Institute of Science and Management
The Graduate Institute of Science and Management, which is known as GISM Campus, is a leading higher education institute to offer world-class job oriented Degree pathway programmes in various disciplines for both Sri Lankan and foreign students. We are the education and research partner in Sri Lanka to world’s renowned Massey University-New Zealand, Edinburgh Napier University-UK, Amity University-India and China Medical University-China.
GISM was established in the year 2010 by its Founder President Prof. Dr. G. G. Senaratne who is a renowned academic and researcher in Microwave Engineering for foreign object detection & quality measurements. Prof. Senaratne was a former faculty member at Massey University, New Zealand where he obtained his PhD in Microwave Signal Processing from the same university and, he obtained his MSc Degree in Mobile, Satellite and Broadband Communication from the University of Westminster, UK. He is a visiting Professor at Sharda University, India where he worked as a Professor of Electronics Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering & Technology.
The principle aim of GISM is to open doors for Sri Lankan students to possess with world-class higher educational qualification from reputed countries such as New Zealand and U.K. at an affordable cost. With our Degree pathway arrangement, students can study their first year or first two years in Sri Lanka at GISM and transfer to Massey University or Edinburgh Napier University to complete their degree. Several Business Management, Information Science, Engineering and Bioscience Degrees are offered in collaboration with these Universities. We support student placements for undergraduate, Masters and PhD studies in New Zealand or any other developed country with the services such as visa application support, University adjustment and communication skill development support etc. Also, further affordable educational options in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels will be available in collaboration with highly recognized Universities in Australia, China and India.
Our Vision
“The primary vision of the Graduate Institute of Science and Management, Sri Lanka (GISM) is to provide culturally and intellectually stimulating learning environment in which scholarship and creativity can flourish hand in hand.”
Our Mission
“GISM will promote excellence in academic standards from the undergraduate level to postgraduate level by adopting state-of-the-art techniques in teaching methodologies, as well as researches. The programs will be delivered by a panel of distinguished foreign faculty members, and reputed national academics to complement its constitution. Such an ambitious program will be delivered in a framework of “corporate social responsibility”, in a manner that is sympathetic to the needs and demands of Sri Lanka and its neighboring countries.”