300,000 Rs worth Professional Courses for free

Our Cyber and Computing Security degree focuses on protecting against cybercrime before it happens. You will develop specialisms through module choices to match your career goals. Optional subjects include data analytics, information security, and digital crime scene investigation. You'll also examine ‘hot’ cybercrime topics. These include the latest security crimes in the news, as well as big data and Cloud systems which have both significantly increased commercial security risks.

The course is underpinned by strong ethical and legal foundations. These foundations are paramount to you moving into and progressing through a successful computer security career.We aim to prepare you for a career in a rapidly changing industry that is constantly evolving. It includes the latest developments in computer networking to offer a broad view of the networking industry. You will also have the chance to consider the legal, social, ethical and commercial issues that affect this industry.

You will be supported to become confident and enterprising while developing key employability skills including team work, communication and time management, all essential for the workplace.
