Diploma in Software Engineering - For Absolute Beginners & Working Personnel

Now available to study as an Online course or Class Room Course. Start with the Diploma in Software Engineering and on completion of the Diploma get 1 year Internship training in Sri lanka. Thereafter obtain employment in Sri Lanka or move to do higher studies in our Institute for UK HND Level 5
We also offer the option to study for UK Higher National Diploma and complete your UK BSc Honors One year Top up Degree in Computing & Systems Engineering. Do all studies from Diploma to the UK Degree from within Sri Lanka thru Intellect Institute and complete all levels with Theory & Practicals within 3 years to obtain your UK BSc Honors Degree. This course is Specially for Absolute Beginners & those seeking to gain an advanced knowledge in Software Engineering.
Diploma in Software Engineering using Python, C++ on Windows, Java SE
This Course is conducted by IT Industry Experts with over 25 Years Working Experience in Middle East, USA & South Asia.
Entry Requirements
- Local GCE O/L 6 Subjects OR
- London O/L (IGCSE / EDXCEL) 5 Subjects OR
- Pass the Intellect Foundation Course
Weekday Course - Contact office for Course Schedule.
Weekend Course - Contact office for Course Schedule.
Diploma in Software Engineering Course Structure
- Basic Computer Concepts
- File Organization & Data Structures
- Programming Practices & Techniques
- Introduction To Programming
- Understanding variables
- Basic Program Operators
- Understanding Program blocks
- Data Types in Programming
- Declaring and using Numeric data types; int, float, complex types
- Using string data type and string operations
- Defining list and list slicing
- Use of data type
- Program Flow Control
- Conditional blocks using if, else and else if
- Simple for loops
- For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries
- Use of while loops
- Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else
- Programming using conditional and loops block
- Functions, Modules And Packages
- Organizing codes using functions
- Organizing projects into modules
- Importing own module as well as external modules
- Understanding Packages
- Programming using functions and modules
- String, List And Dictionary Manipulations File Operation
- Programming using file operations
Programming Module 1
- Python Programming
- C++ Programming
- Java Programming
- Object Oriented Programming
- Class definition - attributes and methods
- Constructors - Getter methods, references to object, encapsulation
- Advanced Input / Output
- Streams and Files
- File manipulations i
Programming Module 2
- Advanced Software Engineering & Development
- Requirements Analysis & Specification for ERP System
- Software Development for ERP System Using Java or C++
- Software Configuration Management
- Project Documentation
Course inclusive of Individual Practical time on Windows Computers for Practical Exercises & Project Assignments.
For Successful Completion of the Software Engineering course Students have to fulfill the following:
- Final Examination
- A Project
- Submission of Assignments
Online or Class Room - Course Fee -
- Rs 90,000 (Payable in 2 Inst),
- Registration Fees - Rs 15,000/-
- Duration - 6 Months (Theory & Assignments) 2 Months Project
Online Individual Courses Available - Teaching thru Google Meet - Contact Office for Duration & Fees
On completion of this Course all Participants will receive One Year paid Internship Training. After One year Internship Intellect also provides the facility for Participants to obtain a job abroad.
Intellect International is the only Institute in Sri Lanka that conducts IBM Mid range Power Systems Advanced Training Courses with Practicals on IBM Mid range Power Computers / Servers.
Progression to obtain UK HND in Computing
Successful completion of the Diploma in Software Engineering Course provides learners the opportunity to progression onto UK HND Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Computing leading to UK University One Year Top Up Degree BSc in Computing & Information Systems.
Optional - Progression to UK Level 4 HNC & Level 5 HND (Higher National Diploma) 9 months further Studies plus 3 months project assignments at our Institute - (Top up Course Fees & External Assessment Fee - (Please contact our office for details). Further study also available in Canada for Canadian based Level 5 IT Diploma with 2 year Canada Student Visa Please contact office for details).
Progression to obtain UK BSc Honors Degree
Students completing the UK HND Diploma Level 5 in Computing are eligible to progress to register for UK One year Top-Up degree - BSc Hons in Computing & Systems Engineering at UK Universities Online UK Study from Sri Lanka with Personal Tutor assigned from UK University (University Fees £5500 to £6500) or One Year UK Study Visa (University Fees £12,000 - 13,000) & after obtaining degree progression to Master's in Science (MSc) programme, or MBA at many universities in UK and overseas with advanced standing.
Once participant register for the UK Online Top Up degree optional offer of Guided study assistance with Personal Tutor available thru our Institute for an extra charge valid during one year of Top Up degree.